Thursday 23 June 2011


A mini-poster, booklet and  CD on ASMA UL HUSNA will be distributed to anyone wishing so. Send your request via the mail: or 7918217. It's absolutely free. The CD is very informative - it contains some ebooks on ASMA UL HUSNA as well as the Holy Quran(Eng & French) and the Sahih Hadith collection. This CD can be used as a database for the study of Islam. 

The distribution is open to non-muslims as well. The distribution has already been started in some mosques of the south of Mauritius by the respective imams or mutawallis.

We pray Allah Subhanahu wa Taala to make our brothers and sisters to become stronger in faith and deepen their love for Him and His eternally beloved Muhammad 
Swallallahou alaihi wa Sallam. Ameem thoumma Ameen.